Call for Peer Reviewers


Get Involved in This Year's Global Conference!

Volunteer Application Closes: 5 April

Review Period: 12-29 April

Note: You must be a current ILA member to serve as a peer reviewer. If you are not currently a member, please visit our membership options page to join.  Reviewers do not receive any financial compensation, discounted registration fees, or discounted membership dues.

Calling all ILA members!

Can you share a few hours of your time and talent to serve as a peer reviewer for this year’s Global Conference, Architects of Change: Leaders, Followers, and Communities?

ILA’s conference is organized across 16 different streams, and ILA and the 2024 Global Conference Program Team are seeking ILA members with expertise and experience to participate as stream reviewers in a double-blind review.

Peer reviewers are invaluable in ensuring the program delivers the highest quality content that engages and inspires attendees from across the globe and contributes towards advancing the study and practice of leadership for a just and thriving future. Your contribution matters!

Ready to volunteer? Log in here and select up to five streams that you feel qualified to review. If you are selected to be a peer reviewer, ILA will assign you to ONE stream based on your selections and send you detailed review instructions.

ILA will not be assigning proposals within a stream to individual reviewers. If you are chosen to be a stream reviewer, you will be able to access every proposal submitted to that stream during the review period of 12-29 April.  You may choose which proposals to review within the stream based upon your interest, expertise, and experience.

We do, however, ask that you make a commitment to review a minimum number of proposals, usually ranging from 20-25. Note: If you choose proposals that include complete papers to review (this is primarily in the Leadership Scholarship stream), your minimum number can be significantly lower.

Peer Review Evaluation Rubric

We’ve streamlined the review process to make it easier for reviewers to quickly record their assessments. The evaluation rubric is as follows:

On a scale of 1- 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, rate the proposal on the following:

Innovation: Rate the proposal’s level of originality.

Quality: Rate the proposal’s coherence and clarity of design/structure/thought.

Rigor: Rate the proposal’s use of evidence from experience and/or research.

Relevance: Rate the topic’s importance to the field of leadership today.

Impact: Rate the potential of the proposal to stimulate future scholarship/ practice/ conversation.

Internal Comment Box:  Reviewers will also be asked to fill out an internal comment field to record their recommendation for the proposal and why they rated it the way they did. These comments will not be shared with the proposal submitter.

Ready to Volunteer?

  1. Learn more about each stream and make your list of 2-5 top streams for which you are qualified to review.
  2. Complete the peer reviewer volunteer form to indicate your stream preferences and to tell us a little about yourself.
  3. You will receive an email by 12 April regarding the status of your application. If accepted as a peer reviewer, you will also receive detailed reviewer instructions at that time.